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The Early Years Company

Early years excellence for the under 2's suite

Early years training offers early years professionals up to date training to ensure you are top of your game.
From online webinars to Face to Face team sessions, Early Years Leadership can offer you the training you and your team really need to offer outstanding early years services.

We will be adding more to this page in the coming weeks, in the meantime, please visit our Early Years Leadership Page for more info or email us:
As a leader in early years, one of your responsibilities is to ensure your team are skilled, knowledgeable and up to date. From compliance related training such as Safeguarding, to more bespoke training such as SEND and curriculum & pedagogy, we have a team of training associates ready to deliver bespoke, tailored training for you and your staff team. What’s more, we have a range of ways you can access this training too!

Listen to our resource and content manager, Roxy, discuss the training opportunities we have available to you.
"Thank you for the brilliant Revised EYFS Training. As the trainer has 1st hand experience in early years, she completely understood some of our challenges in every day practice"

How can EYC help me?

How do I manage my teams CPD??

How do we achieve outstanding practice?

Contact us for more information

This full day training session is aimed at professionals who are new to working with the under 2s. This session has recently been revised and updated.

Please contact us if you would like to book this training.
Contact us
This half day refresher is aimed at staff who have a sound knowledge and understanding of this age group but need to update and refresh. Staff attending this training must have had prior specific training on working with children and babies under 2.

Please contact us if you would like to book this training.
Contact us

Online 1 hour bitesize, pre-recorded training

Our suite of one-hour bitesize sessions offers a variety of topics from sensory exploration to language development. Each session is meticulously crafted to ignite reflection and enhance professional practice. Our experienced trainers are dedicated to providing an engaging and informative session, leaving participants motivated and inspired.

Downloads coming soon...

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